Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mindo Weekend 3

... Oh, and a good sidenote.. one of the girls I went with just arrived to Quito this week, but is staying until August. Her name is Stephanie and she is super-sweet, a strong Christian, and basically bilingual. It will be nice to have someone here to travel with. The other two girls from the Mindo trip were leaving this weekend to go to their placements in other cities. The other girl I have traveled with also left this weekend. So Stephanie is a Godsend! The orphanage has been good as well. I helped one of the moms make juice, with something like 15 of some sort of fruit... (looked like oranges, but I´m not sure). The kids now know who I am, and are glad to see me in the morning. Little by little I am learning how to say things like ¨push me¨ for the swings. Oh how I wish I had a better memory so that I could learn faster! With time, I suppose. Oh, another note.. there is a second new girl named Brittany who will be working with me at the orphanage for three weeks. I think she has a smidge more Spanish than I do. It´ll be nice because we will ride the bus together, and if I really need to understand something, maybe she could help me out. I am going to work with House 5 tomorrow - the last house and then I have done one day at each. I will be glad when I know the kids better, and learn some more names. Right now I know maybe 5 names, but recognize 25ish of the kids if I see them. Only 35 names more! I had the most wonderful lunch today... tomato, avacado and onion salad, potato soup, and rice with fried fish. It was muy rico! I also had another Spanish lesson today.. I´m attempting to memorize past tense. Wouldn´t be so hard if there weren´t so many exceptions. I guess English is no better. ;) The boys left the house on Friday, and I haven´t heard of anymore volunteers coming to stay with Maria. We´ll see... Well, I suppose that is it for now.. I´ll keep you updated. Please let everyone know about the blog, as I don´t remember who I told. Love you all!


  1. keep trying; all of a sudden, you'll be thinking in spanish and that will make a big difference! again, you portraits of the kids are sweet. thank God for stephanie!

  2. I am glad you are having a better time and are healthier. With all your talk of getting away to the mountains, I think I need to make time to get to my mountains. I can't wait to see the pictures.

  3. oh the past tense in es muy divertido! (i think i said that right?!) haha.
    i am so glad to hear that you are feeling better. i remeber being sick when i was living in France. those were not the best of times. But you are def. in the best place to be learning a language.
    ps- i love the pictures : ) those kids have some of the cutest expressions! can't wait to see more.

  4. Your pictures are wonderful! We've enjoyed reading about all your Ecuadorian adventures ;) Hope you are continuing to feel better!

  5. After that last post, I'm really glad to read this one. I'm so glad you had a good weekend trip. And I want to hear more about the orphanage! What is your job there? Just whatever they need I'm guessing. Like everyone's said, I love the pictures. It looks like the camera works pretty well. I'm so excited for you!
